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3 hands-on coding and electronics camps for beginners

December 8, 2017

#Classroom Coding for KidsElectronicsNon-screen Digital Literacy

Think that coding always involve the use of computers and screens? Not always. Here are 3 fun-filled hands-on coding and electronics courses that are great for beginners to kickstart their coding journey.

micro:bit With Block Editor (For Kids 7-13 Years Old)

The micro:bit is a “pocket-sized micro-computer” designed by BBC for computer education in the UK that allows you to create super cool inventions. Kids learn to code with code blocks and invent actual gadgets with their own micro-computer. By the end of this course, kids are not only introduced to important programming concepts via a gentle visual programming interface, but they will also understand how everyday objects are a mix of both hardware and software, and go on to create their very own inventions.

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Bring Your Lego To Life With Code (For Kids 7-13 Years Old)

Just when you thought Lego couldn’t get more awesome, then came Lego Wedo. Lego Wedo is a simple robotics tool similar to the Lego bricks we know and love, but these come with sensors, motors and other mechanical parts. It allows users to design and build their own interactive machines, and then program it with Scratch to control their Lego inventions! Curious to see what you can create? Here’s an example from one of our past students who created a ticket dispensing machine.

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