Saturday Kids Curiosity Chronicles: July roundup!
July 25, 2019

Within our team, we read and dream and share a lot. It would be greedy to keep all this to ourselves, and we believe good things should be shared – so here’s the first online edition of our Curiosity Chronicles with a short & sweet postcard of the team’s highlights in July and the content that’s been keeping us curious.
July in milestones:
This month our Saturday Kids team based in Japan launched their first ever coding camps for curious kids in Tokyo; we wrapped up our second last run of Code in the Community for the year with the support of an awesome tribe of volunteers and sponsors (you can read a post we wrote about the programme earlier this month here!); bade farewell to two of our beloved team members while welcoming a new addition; and had a blast running our second wave of Summer Camps here in Singapore.
- At the end of a camp we ask kids how they feel – there’s nothing quite like a kid’s ?
- Another kid’s feedback on Code in the Community. We guess he/she enjoyed it. ?
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On our bookshelf:
Prisoners of Geography: Ten maps that explain everything about the world by Tim Marshall
“Marshall maps the effect of geography on the political and economic positioning of countries of the world with an interesting analysis of why certain countries/regions behave the way they do. I especially enjoyed his analysis of cultural geography and how European colonizers ruined the world – a good read to understand why the world is the way it is.”
Recommended by Shreya
A Very Large Expanse of Sea by Tahereh Mafi
“A YA (Young Adult) novel about an Iranian American girl who doesn’t quite fit in at her new school – her curiosity leads her to learn to breakdance, and she learns other lessons along the way. I loved the kickass protagonist who goes against the grain, and the accessible account of surviving bigotry.”
Recommended by Yeehui
The Dancing Wu Li Masters : An Overview of the New Physics – Gary Zukav
“What I love about this book is that it covers some of the most complex and profound theories in modern physics, and yet keeps it interesting and engaging for the reader without getting boring or technical.”
Recommended by Rama
A Long Walk to Water – Linda Sue Park
“A short story based on true events describing a boy who is split from his family during the 1985 Sudanese civil war. Accessible to younger readers, it’s a fascinating and moving adventure, plus a reminder about the simple things we take for granted – peace and stability, familial ties, and clean, potable water.”
Recommended by Yu Lin
Educating Human Greatness – Lynn Stoddard
“The title says it all.”
Recommended by John
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Link library:
This is what love looks like – we were moved by this story of a first-time father who wrote a story every day for a year for his daughter.
We enjoyed this thoughtful conversation about the intersection of social impact and money.
Learning to learn matters! Why it’s only responsible to dedicate 5 hours a week to learning.
In our wired world, this is helpful: 3 steps to help your kids (and yourself!) connect with nature.
We might be a coding school but like these students, we’re strong believers in the value of the soft skills and arts, even for tech careers.
How do you feel about screen time for your kid? This guide from the New York Times offers a healthy perspective.
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Love what we do and wanna support our mission? ❤️
Here’s a couple of ways you can get involved…
- Sign up as a volunteer for the upcoming run of Code in the Community from August 17 – October 20.
- Donate to our Pay It Forward fund to sponsor spots in our holiday camps for kids from lower-income families (we’ll match your donation 1 for 1!).
- Get in touch! Whether it’s about finding the right workshop for your kid, exploring possibilities for collaboration, or just to say ‘hey’ – we’d love to chat!