Unplugged, Aug 19 – Aug 23 Outdoor Experience (9:00AM-3:00PM) @ Karuizawa, Japan

We can’t wait to see your curious kids in our outdoor classrooms for an awesome adventure!

Find out more about the course details and learning outcomes in the sections below.

Questions? Give us a ring at +65 9051 8727 or shoot us an email at [email protected] – we’d love to chat.


6 in stock

Class Details


Class schedule




Lesson 1

19 Aug

9:00am - 3:00pm

Lesson 2

20 Aug

9:00am - 3:00pm

Lesson 3

21 Aug

9:00am - 3:00pm

Lesson 4

22 Aug

9:00am - 3:00pm

Lesson 5

23 Aug

9:00am - 3:00pm


2129 Kokuyurin, Nagakurayama, Karuizawamachi, Kitasaku-gun, Nagano

Course Description

For Ages 4-14

Go unplugged with us in Karuizawa for a different kind of vacation! This specially curated nature-based programme is designed to cultivate curiosity, immerse in nature and learn more about how to protect the world that our kids are inheriting. 

As a tech school for kids, we recognise the importance of disconnecting with devices and connecting with nature so that our young learners can become better systems thinkers, drawing insights from how ecosystems work in nature and bring those learnings back to tech ecosystems for their inventions.

The Short & Sweet
  • 5 days of unplugged outdoor learning to build your child’s soft skills 
  • Immerse in the wonderous nature that Japan has to offer
  • Make new friends from all over the world
  • Develop your child’s awareness and curiosity about nature and its preservation
  • Connect the dots across nature and tech by becoming better systems thinkers

All you need to know

The natural environment has an enormous impact on a child’s cognitive and social-emotional well-being, and that’s why we’re taking the time to unplug from the screens and head to Rising Field in Karuizawa, Japan! Hosted by Etonhouse Japan in this specially curated programme for kids 4-14 years old, we strip away the four walls of the classroom and open up a unique opportunity for your child to learn more about themselves and the world that they live in.

The activities are designed in a way that challenges your child to inquire, think and discuss, while building confidence, teamwork and leadership. It is structured to be flexible enough for children to decide, plan and execute their ideas while harnessing their love for learning. Through these experiences we will uncover how ecosystems inspire innovative and sustainable technologies, delving into the basics of biomimicry and how we can look to nature to help heal our planet again.

Forest & River Trekking

Connecting with nature starts with stepping into it! Together with trained adult facilitators and guides, kids will explore the wonders that Karuizawa has to offer by experiencing it first-hand. Feel the textures of leaves and why they’re shaped in certain ways. Observe wildlife (think butterflies and fishes) and learn how they adapt to survive. Uncover the many nuances of the ecosystem and how they interact, co-exist and co-depend on each other. Stuff we read in books but hardly get to experience in real life.

Shower Climbing

Have fun in a mountain stream the Japanese way! Shower climbing is an activity where kids will get to climb the riverbed of a mountain stream, heading upstream and sliding down natural slides. Children get to experience the rugged side of nature by dipping their toes (or more!) into water, safely facilitated by a team of trained instructors. Marvel at the clarity of the water and have a splashing good time!

Obstacle Course

Fondly dubbed “Owl Adventure”, the obstacle course at Rising Field is designed to create “teachable moments”. Through challenges and obstacles that they overcome, kids are provided with a platform (literally!) to be introspective and learn more about themselves. Safety procedures are strictly adhered to and the obstacle course is regularly maintained to ensure a safe learning experience for everyone.

Arts & Craft

Kids will also dive into nature-inspired design and get creative with their art! From drawing out their interpretation of the world to building structures with sticks, activities are specially curated to explore the possibilities and see the wonders of the world through a different lens. Beyond the traditional pencil and paper exercise, your child will learn how to turn ideas into action and push their imagination to the limit!

Team Building

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and it’s never too early to start preparing kids to engage in collaborative problem solving. A common theme throughout the summer camp will be team building activities that highlight the importance of working together, understanding different perspectives, and respecting each other. Through nature-based challenges, kids come together to strategise, communicate ideas and think critically while solving problems!

Read more:

Oh! The stuff you'll learn

  • Developing an inquisitive mind
  • Collaborating with others and communicating ideas
  • Understanding perspectives and making friends with kids of different nationalities
  • Building teams and harnessing leadership ability
  • Making decisions with confidence and becoming self-directed learners 
  • Connecting the dots across nature and sustainability technologies
  • Delving into the basics of biomimicry

Life skills you'll learn

Creative Confidence
Problem Solving
Self-Directed Learning
Systems Thinking


No lectures. No memorisation. No ONE right answer. Like real life, we're all about trying things out yourself, failing, figuring what went wrong & trying again. These are the skills & mindset that will last a lifetime and how we learn in real life. Let's get kids to learn how to learn. Because the kids who learn to learn become curious, inventive, resourceful human beings who solve real world problems to make a meaningful impact.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why is Saturday Kids running Unplugged?

    As a tech school for kids, we recognise the importance of disconnecting with devices and connecting with nature so that our young learners can become better systems thinkers, drawing insights from how ecosystems work in nature and bring those learnings back to tech ecosystems for their inventions.

  2. Is airfare, accommodation and travel insurance included in the cost of this programme?

    We’re focusing our efforts on organising an amazing outdoor learning experience for you and your child, so our programme costs are based on just the activities planned in the itinerary and is also inclusive of medical insurance for the programme activities (¥500,000 per accident per student, ¥1,000,000 for death and permanent disability). Flights, accommodation and travel insurance are to be arranged separately at your own convenience.

  3. Do you have suggestions for where we should book our accommodation?

    Plenty! Check out this board for some accommodation ideas and a whole slew of other activities that you can explore while in Karuizawa!

  4. Are meals included in the cost of the programme?

    Lunch is provided to fill hungry stomachs at midday! Do let us know in the enrolment form (which shows up after payment is processed) if your child has any allergies or special dietary requirements and we’ll do our best to cater to it.

  5. What happens if my child/I have tested ART positive for COVID-19?

    There’s nothing that thwarts a well-deserved vacation like the good ol’ rona. If you or your child test positive for COVID-19 before your flight, reach out to us as soon as possible and we’ll see what we can do to assist. If you’re feeling unwell and test positive during the trip itself, we’ll seek your understanding to isolate as soon as possible and not participate in further activities till a negative test is returned. We’ll do our best to provide as much assistance as possible during this period.

  6. Are there other options if I can’t make it for these dates?

    We know that busy schedules means that sometimes it’s hard for the stars to align. If you are really keen on the programme but really can’t find a way to make it on those dates, let us know and we’ll inform you if alternative slots open up!

  7. I have kids below 4 years old or above 14 years old, can they still join in for the programme?

    As a certain level of motor skills would be required for the camp activities, we would require kids to be at least 4 years old to participate. And in order to keep the activities age-appropriate, we will also be unable to accommodate kids older than 14 years old.

  8. What language is the programme happening in?

    English will be the main medium of communication throughout the programme, so no worries if your child isn’t able to differentiate mizu from ocha just yet.

  9. Is this a day camp or overnight camp?

    This is a day camp that starts at 9am on each of the five days, and ends at 3pm daily. Parents will have to arrange for transportation both ways and we’re unfortunately unable to provide a transportation service for this.

  10. Is this a parent-accompanied camp?

    We believe that this camp is an opportunity for kids to be left to their own devices (not the usual digital ones though) and explore independence, so the bulk of the camp will not be parent-accompanied. The last day of camp incorporates some parent-child activities that we’d like to invite you to participate in with your child, so fret not because family bonding time is also part of the plan!

  11. 4-14 years old is a preeetty wide age group. Do you split the children up into smaller age-banded groups?

    The children are separated into groups depending on activities; however, things vary day to day and depend on attendance and the needs of children, group dynamics, etc. Normally we separate the children as follows:

    – Hikes, trekking, morning games, etc: younger children in one group and older children in another group

    – Obstacle course (Owl Adventure) or activities that require more teacher direction: The children will be separated into even smaller groups.

Got More Questions?
Reach out to us →